Join us for a Boot Scootin' Boogie good time when the Table Rock Quilt Guild presents "Quilt Day at the Library." The event is emceed by Karen Malnar and features the program "Quilted or Pieced Wearables," a quilt show, opportunity quilt raffle, lunch, music, line dancing, silent auction, unique boutique, and mystery grab bags.
Admission at the door is $10 and all proceeds benefit the Kimberling Area Library.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Community Rooms
When: Saturday, March 1 10 AM - 2 PM
Join us for a special American Sign Language (ASL) story time led by Regina Smith, a Nationally Certified ASL Interpreter. Don't miss this special event!
Where: Kimberling Area Library Children's Area
When: Monday, March 10, 2025 at 10:30 AM
Our local community has many talented and imaginative artists who use their creativity to honor first responders and veterans by making quilts for them. Join Rose Allen and Sue Munson of the Wellness for Warriors Quilting Group that makes quilts for police officers, firefighters, and veterans hospitalized at Branson's Cox Hospital. Learn about the group's successful three year history producing over 200 quilts, funding its work, and the construction process that produces a work of art. Betty Thomas, co-founder of the Quilts of Valor of the Ozarks, will also present her group's mission, presentation process, and explain their sponsorship program. All speakers will share a selection of their artistic creations.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Community Rooms
When: March 12, 2025 at 10:15 am
Coffee and light snacks will be provided, attendance is free, and no prior registration required.
The library will again be the site for income tax filing assistance on Thursdays starting Februrary 6th. The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program through the University of Missouri Extension will be providing volunteers to prepare returns for eligible patrons. Services are by appointment only and appointments may be made by calling the Extension office at 417.357.6812.