The popular gardening programs resume this month with "Hummingbird Habits in the Garden" presented by Master Gardeners Marina Hanson and Mary O'Brien. Programs are sponsored jointly by the library and Master Gardeners of the Ozarks, volunteers with the University of Missouri Extension.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Community Rooms
When: Wednesday, March 19, at 10 am.
Sessions are free and open to everyone. No registration is required.
Join us for a specially themed "Dr. Suess" Story Time. Kids of all ages welcome.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Children's Area
When: Monday, March 24, 2025 at 10:30 AM
Join David Whetstone, whose father accepted a call from Harold Maxwell, General Superintendent and electrical expert overseeing the huge Table Rock dam building over a four-year period. David was in the fifth grade in 1954 and has fond memories of his family's involvement in the massive building projet. Now retired from a career in aviation supporting wide global travel, David will sare his memories for a dynamic presentation to spark your interest in our local community's history.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Community Rooms
When: April 9, 2025 at 10:15 am
Coffee and light snacks will be provided, attendance is free, and no prior registration required.
Join us on April 11 and 12 for a fun shopping experience as the library hosts a crafts and quilts sale. The sale will feature sewing supplies, fabric, patterns, tools and some completed quilts from the estate of Loretta Loibl. Sales from the Loibl estate will directly benefit the library. In addition there will be crafts and quiltng supplies offered by multiple vendors.
Where: Kimberling Area Library Community Rooms
When: Friday & Saturday, April 11-12, 10am to 4pm
The library will again be the site for income tax filing assistance on Thursdays starting Februrary 6th. The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program through the University of Missouri Extension will be providing volunteers to prepare returns for eligible patrons. Services are by appointment only and appointments may be made by calling the Extension office at 417.357.6812.